The Elevated Life: 8 Tips for Navigating Life in Heels / by Jasmine Tate

As a little girl I always wanted to carry my mom’s purses, wear her accessories and walk in her shoes. Although I now have a lot more of my own, I’m still inspired by her beauty, class and style. She raised me to be a lady and influenced my love for All Things Feminine.  

I believe the world looks and feels better when your feet are elevated, and we should buy what we love and wear it more than once. If there’s a choice between, heels, flats or tennis, in most cases, I’ll choose heels. My feet are usually elevated 5-6 days per week. In addition to accentuating my legs and helping me feel my fiercest, my heel habit has also emphasized many life lessons. world blog.heels3.jpg

Lead with confidence.

Confidence lives within.

Although walking in heels has a way of elevating your confidence, it starts from within. Before you slip them on you should know who you are and that you are valuable whether you’re in heels, flats or flip flops.

Keep your head held high.

What’s coming is greater than what’s been. Don’t let bad mistakes or situations block your view of a brighter future.

When you strut in your heels your confidence should show. Avoid looking down instead look ahead.

Stay on your toes.

Always be prepared.  

Although many women love to wear heels, our feet are not made for them, and they can cause severe damage. Avoid walking heavily on your heels and glide gracefully. I always wear shoes that will be comfortable for me from the time I leave my apartment until the time I return home. If I know I have a long day with a lot of standing and walking, I’ll wear a thicker heel. Many ladies opt to bring flats to change into. I’d rather not wear the heel if I know I’ll have to change, but it’s all about knowing what works for you and being prepared to let it.  

Watch your step.

Identify your values and let them be your guide to avoid entering dangerous territory.

Although it’s important to avoid looking down and instead look ahead, you most definitely must watch your step while wearing heels. It’s not fun walking through a water puddle in elevated sandals, ruining leather covered heels by stepping in cracks or possibly the worst walking through dog poop in heels covered in fabric. Be sure to watch your step.

Keep your feet planted.

Find your foundation in life and stay grounded.

While it’s easy to let your ankles break when you sit or drive, when heels rub against the side of the floor it can cause the heel to become dirty or ruin the fabric. Keep your feet planted and your heels upright.  

Explore new heights.

Discover the unknown and experience new adventures to find what you like and what works for you.

Once I was presenting on personal and professional etiquette and was asked what was the “right size” heel. Contrary to popular belief, the right size is what works for you. This can depend on many factors from the arch of your foot to your comfortability walking in heels. For me I like to stay around 4 inches before or after platforms are added, especially if I’m going to be doing a good amount of standing and walking. An inch lower can be just as uncomfortable as an inch higher.

Example: Three-inch heels feel awkward and hurt my arches while five-inch heels worn too long hurt the face of my ankles.

Don’t sweat it. Just breathe.

In life you’ll make bad choices and decisions. Take a deep breath, learn from them and move on.  

Although you shouldn’t let your feet be ashy and elevated, you also don’t want to compromise your strut due to sweat. Avoid applying oil or oil-based lotions and moisturizers to the bottom of your feet. It can cause your feet to sweat, slide and lead to smelly shoes. If you end up in this situation, let your feet breathe. You should have room to pop up your heels to let air in or slip your shoes off and place them on concrete to absorb extra oil.  

Know when to rest.

Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone. It’s OK to take a break. Just don’t let the break turn into a stop.

Again, because our feet were not made to be elevated for extended periods, it’s important to give your arches and ankles the rest they need so they can live to strut another day. For me one day a week is sufficient, but depending on how tall your heels are, where they’re placed and how much you are standing and/or walking, you could need more rest. world blog.heels4.JPG

 Are heels a staple in your wardrobe? What are your best tips for navigating your day or life in heels? Share below.

Hugs & Handshakes,

Jasmine C. Tate