Millennial Money

Credit 101: 10 Ways to build and maintain good credit by Jasmine Tate

Financial responsibility is an important part of adulting that is complex and often scary for many millennials. With a lack of education around financial literacy, it’s easy to begin practicing bad habits. My sister and I recently took an online course on building and maintaining healthy credit that reinforced lessons we heard our dad share on repeat over the years and added some knowledge and tricks that were unknown.

According to Tiffany Aliche, also known as the budgetnista, “bad credit makes for an expensive life and although you can’t build your credit overnight the fastest way to success is action.” Before starting to build credit or continuing down the wrong road the information and best practices shared here will give you an introduction to credit and help lead you down the path toward a healthy financial future.

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Millennial Money: Wealth Management 101 by Jasmine Tate

After attending “Wealth Management 101,” a financial planning workshop hosted by Orange County United Way Emerging Leaders United I felt relieved, enlightened and a bit overwhelmed. For rising professionals when it comes to financial planning and management everyone has to start somewhere. According to Roger S. Stinnet who co-led the presentation, going back to the basics are a great place to begin. From economics in high school, taking “Success 101” as a freshman in college and lessons from this workshop and others I’ve learned along the way, here are things to keep in mind when preparing for your future financially.

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