Relationship Book Review

Real World Read: Sis, Don't Settle by Jasmine Tate

Because I’ve been single more than 10 years, I don’t often gravitate to advice on how to navigate “Single Life,” but Faith Jenkins is someone I’ve always admired. I was very curious about her approach to finding love with a man who checked all but one box on her 50-item list. That alone gave her credibility in my book, but in addition she has a history of counseling couples in her professional career as an attorney and former judge on Divorce Court.

Aside from the reasons mentioned above and our shared Louisiana roots, I pre-ordered a copy to support her first book. Although it took me much longer to read it than I expected, it exceeded my expectations and took me on my own journey while following hers.

The book gives a look into her private celebrity love life and lessons before marriage, shares advice from the countless couples she’s counseled and provides a guide to dating with affirmations, questions to ask yourself and your potential mate and more!

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