My Journey through Laser Hair Removal - Session 2 Update / by Jasmine Tate

At the beginning of Spring 2021 I became a member of the LaserAway family and started my journey to permanent hair removal. After six weeks I had my second session and although I knew what to expect, the experience was not the same.

Session 1 Results - Six Week Update

I am having laser hair removal performed on my top lip, underarms, Brazilian and full legs. In the first six weeks after my first treatment I had already began to see results and shared in order of significance below.


The Brazilian is where I noticed the most significant results after the first treatment. In the first two weeks I shaved every 2-3 days to prevent irritation and in-grown hairs. The third week I decided to let the hair grow a little longer and by Day 4 I noticed that my hair only grew back in patches. I was super excited as the treatment was already working after my first session and there were seven left. I also noticed that minor hairs began to fall out during Week 2 after Session 1. When I say minor I mean 2-3 hairs randomly.

Top Lip

Although the fuzzy mustache hair on my top lip continued to grow in the six weeks since my first appointment, the only thing I noticed was a little dryness at the beginning of the second week and a couple minor bumps. I continued using moisturizer and sunscreen and the dryness and bumps disappeared by Week 3.


I didn’t notice a difference in the hair growth rate under my arms in the first six weeks. I continued to shave regularly and didn’t do anything different to care for them.


Similar to my underarms I didn’t notice much of a difference in the hair growth rate or reduction of hair on my legs in the six weeks after my first session.

Session 2 Update

If you read the post about my first session, you may remember that I mentioned the top lip and Brazilian around my labia being the most painful. Because of that I assumed my second session would be the same. The treatment on my top lip was far less painful than my first session. This was partly because my nurse (Sarah L.) was aware of the discomfort I felt during my first session and did the treatment a little different, which I appreciated.

The Brazilian was still the most painful, but hurt more closer to my butt in this session. I also felt it more on my legs than the first session. It was still most noticeable around my knees, but I also felt it along the front section of the bottom of my legs. I didn’t feel anything but the cold air from the laser on the back of my legs (top and bottom) and my underarms.

The Process

The process did not change from the first appointment and includes the following.

After arriving for your appointment, the receptionist(s) will check you in, take your temperature and complete a verbal acknowledgement that you have not tested positive or experienced Coronavirus symptoms. Next the registered nurse who will perform your treatment greets you and walks you to your room where you change into a towel wrap and protective eyewear. When the nurse returns, he or she will review the procedure and treatment areas, answer your questions, mark your treatment areas with chalk as guidelines for the laser treatments and get started. I had to wear a mask throughout the appointment with the exception of my top lip treatment.


After your session you’ll be instructed to follow strict guidelines for the three days including

  • avoiding sweating, swimming and direct sunlight,

  • moisturizing and protecting the skin with Vaseline, Aquafor, Aloe Vera, sunscreen (SPF 50+) and/or hydrocortisone 1%. (Moisturizer should be applied three times daily for those three days after the treatment.)

  • reducing heat and irritation to the treated areas through hot showers, scrubbing/exfoliating. and topical products like retinols.

So far I’m pleased with my experience and the results after my first two treatments and look forward to seeing the progress as I move through my eight sessions. If you’re new here, check out my first post on the start of my Laser Away Journey. It’s a detailed look into why I decided to get laser hair removal, the cost, the pain and more. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below, contact me or connect with me on social media @JASMINECTATE.

Hugs & Handshakes,

Jasmine C. Tate