Health & Fitness

Jasmine's Journey: My STEP X-perience by Jasmine Tate

I recently took my body on a journey to experience STEP Xtreme, a full body fitness class in Mission Viejo, CA. I was gifted four free classes and decided to give it a try. Although I had taken a step class before, it was far different from what my body had previously endured as I worked through 60 minutes of movement including stepping, climbing, jumping, squatting and most importantly SWEATING. Pushing through each sequence of the hour-long High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) I got a full body workout including cardio, weights, resistance training and more.

The workout definitely pushed me past my comfort zone and challenged me to keep the beat, lift higher, push harder and grow stronger.

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Shake up your kitchen with Chef Jamie Gwen by Jasmine Tate

Part 3 of a women empowerment series hosted by United Way of Orange County gathered a diverse set of women over what Shari Battle described as the cocktail of interventions - food, health and shopping. Local, Global and Me, presented by Bank of America, is an annual initiative of Women United that joins women in the spirit of service, philanthropy, personal and professional development.

The evening began with appetizers, shopping and wine sipping followed by a cooking demonstration with Celebrity Chef and Radio Host Jamie Gwen and ended with a panel discussion on health. Those in attendance consumed food for thought, food for taste and several ways to enhance future meals on their plates including these five tips to spice up your kitchen.

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