
Jasmine’s Journey: Q1 2022 Update by Jasmine Tate

As I reflect on the first three months of 2022 I’m most grateful for grace, patience and family.

Through the highs and lows failures and milestones, I know I’m never alone. Here are affirmations, highlights and lessons I learned through them.

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16 Scriptures to help you overcome fear and anxiety by Jasmine Tate

I recently scheduled my first dose of the Phizer Vaccine to combat my potential of contracting Coronavirus. I stalled to make an appointment and as I got closer to the date and vaccine site my fear and anxiety continued to grow. The process was very simple and is commonly done within a matter of seconds, but seconds turned into five minutes as I continued to stall my nurse. Watch the video for a clear picture of what fear and anxiety looks like and how it can make circumstances seem worse than they are.

The bible is full of scriptures that encourage us to avoid fear, remind us of God’s power and equip us with the strength to overcome fear while trusting Him through the process. Although God “did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7), when it shows up these verses can help us navigate the situations we face and move forward.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

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Ten weeks to life: My Rooted Experience by Jasmine Tate

Ten weeks ago, I began a journey to connect with God, my new church home and community through a program called Rooted.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. Part of me wanted to discover that I’ve been missing something significant in my walk with Christ. Another wanted to be reassured that I am on the right track and that God is pleased and still using me for His will.

I also had a strong desire to find the community I had heard so many pastors preach about.

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Five reminders to take power over fear before Halloween Festivities by Jasmine Tate

Door bells ring and cameras flash each year as people, young and old, go out to celebrate Halloween. It’s the one holiday each year when imitating someone or something else is acceptable. Although many are able to escape the reality of who they are and hide behind makeup and costumes for a night. One feeling that’s inevitable is that of fear. Whether minor fears of a child eating too much sugar or anxiety over safety, here are five scriptures to remember about fear before beginning your Halloween festivities. 

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