Jasmine’s Journey: Finding fulfillment and embracing community / by Jasmine Tate

“Brave” is a word I hear often when most people learn that I moved from Louisiana to California as a 24 year-old fresh out of grad school. Although I accept the compliment, when I made the transition I didn’t feel brave at all. I felt excited and relieved to finally be starting my career. As time passed I began to realize some of the toughest challenges of “adulting” and life in California, away from my family, friends and familiarity.


The hardest part of my transition was figuring out what to do with more free time than I had ever had in my adult life and how to navigate it. After making my first transition as a full time working professional, I began to discover that I was not feeling fulfilled.

I struggled to let go of what I knew and embrace what I was stepping into. During my first year in California I went home every other month, and after moving from “Rancho” Cucamonga to Irvine I found myself back in Rancho every weekend.

After a meeting with a United Way representative to learn more about the needs in Orange County and how I could get involved I started by attending events, then accepted a challenge to be “United for OC” and start “Doing More for OC.” Since moving I’ve participated in Emerging Leaders United and Women United and plan to continue my involvement and increase it.

To change the habit of hanging on to what I knew instead of embracing the new environment and community I had accepted, I sought opportunities to get involved where I live and work. Soon I began to find the fulfillment I longed for by visiting churches in Orange County and serving in my new community. Although I still haven’t officially joined a new church, I’m getting closer and seeking God’s guidance along the way.

Although true joy lives inside of me, serving and making an impact gives me an indescribable satisfaction and beyond love there’s no greater feeling.

How do you find fulfillment outside of your career and embrace your community? I challenge you to do more for your community as I maintain my commitment to do more for OC.

Hugs & Handshakes,

Jasmine C. Tate