The Wait / by Jasmine Tate

Jasmine waits in line to end a milestone in her academic career, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Communication on December, 13, 2014. - Photo Courtesy of SLU Student Publications

Jasmine waits in line to end a milestone in her academic career, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Communication on December, 13, 2014. - Photo Courtesy of SLU Student Publications

The countdown to commencement will soon come to a close. In one week, I will walk across the stage to receive my Master of Science in Public Relations after five years of hard work, dedication and perseverance.

Although I have taken advantage of opportunities to learn, network and gain experience in and outside of the classroom, I still have no idea what’s next. The closer I came to graduation the more the fear of the unknown became real.

As I celebrate the milestones and accomplishments of my family, friends and peers embarking on new journeys through graduate school, marriages, internship opportunities, job offers, engagements and more, I can’t help but wonder what God has in store for me as I close one chapter of my life and begin the next.

In daily devotions, I constantly receive messages from the Lord repeating instructions to wait and serve. This is exactly what I’ve done since January, but I still have not received an answer.

Two degrees, seven internships, experience with three student publications, part-time jobs, many miles and countless hours of service to my communities, universities and organizations within the public relations realm, I still find myself in a position that I worked hard to avoid.

“I was supposed to have secured a position months ago, right?”

When launching my blog and planning posts, this week was dedicated to answering the questions I have been asked most this semester… “What’s next?” “Where will you live?” “Where will you work?” What will you do?”

I stated my desire to “take you on the journey with me through the end of my academic career and into the profession as an entry level practitioner. “

I’m eight days from graduation, and my answer is still…. “I don’t know.” I volunteered to take you on a journey, but I’m not sure where it leads.

However, what I do know is that I have worked hard; I have taken what David Grossman, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, Founder and CEO of The Grossman Group,  refers to as the “supposed-to” track. I have followed as much advice as possible, and I am prepared to enter the world of public relations. I am prepared to work even harder to reach my career goals and attain my dream job. I am prepared to wait and serve until God reveals His plan for my life.

Although this blog is extremely emotional for me, as promised, I am taking you on this journey with me. As scary as it is to apply… and interview… and wait…. and wonder… and pray… and read letters and emails of rejection after rejection, my advice is to anyone going through a similar experience is… to wait!

While you’re waiting, continue to seek opportunities, take initiative, grow as a person and professional and prepare… more.

I am hoping to combine my passions for public relations, service and sports in the professional arena soon.  Luckily, for me, the world of public relations is not going anywhere, anytime soon. Therefore, I have decided to wait and trust God to fulfill His will for my life. As the journey continues, I will keep you informed. If you have had a similar experience, advice or know of any community relations positions open, please comment below or connect.


Jasmine C. Tate