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Five ways to infuse prayer into your daily life

As we approach the National Day of Prayer, which takes place on the first Thursday in May each year, I’m grateful for the religious freedom we’re granted in America, to be a part of one nation under God and to have a personal relationship with him.

Although prayer has been a part of my daily life since I was a kid, the length and frequency of my prayers have varied throughout my walk with Christ. Today I’m sharing five ways to implement prayer into your daily life to connect with God.

1. Pray with every meal.

A couple years ago I heard a sermon by Pastor Michael Todd from Transformation Church where he discussed the topic of tithing and what it would look like to give God 10% of your day. Afterward I took a look at my schedule and put more thought into it and ways I could add time with God to my daily rules and routines. One easy way to do that was to feed my soul when I feed my body meaning with each meal I pray and read my bible, a devotional or a passage of scripture.

2. Pray before every transition in your day.

My siblings and I learned the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 early on. As a kid before we left for any destination, near or far, my mom would check for seat belts and ask one of the four of to lead the prayer. It was one of the first series of scriptures I memorized and a practice still use today. Praying before pulling off to your next stop, on your way to your next meeting or after nap time is an easy way to acknowledge God’s presence and make him a part of your daily thoughts and actions.

“Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

Although the Lord’s prayer is a great place to start and encompasses an overview of anything we should ask for in the request for His will to be done, it’s always great to make your prayers personal, which leads to my next and final tip.

3. Connect with God as you would your best friend.

Scripture tells us repeatedly that we have a friend in Jesus and prayer is to our relationship with Christ as texts, calls and FaceTime chats are with our earthly friends and families. Your prayers don’t have to be formal. You can chat with God at any time and be completely honest and open. His presence is with you wherever you go and prayer is an easy way to tap into it. He wants to have a relationship with his children and enjoys quality time with us.

4. Add prayer to your schedule.

As life happens and our days get filled with meetings and tasks, it’s easy to let prayer slip through the cracks. One of my mottos is “if it doesn’t come natural, you must be intentional.” For me that means something doesn’t flow into my day as seamlessly as brushing my teeth or showering, I need to write it down or add it to my schedule. Prayer is no exception. Whether it’s intentional or natural God enjoys it when we come to him in prayer.

5. Make prayer an immediate response to problems and blessings.

God knows our needs and wants before we even utter a word, but prayer is also an opportunity to acknowledge our trust in Him and show appreciation for the many blessings we’ve been given from daily meals to new cars or promotions at work. It’s also helpful and comforting to turn to God in prayer when experiencing pain, fatigue or misunderstanding in your life or those around you. Pray when you hear sirens, when you read about bad news, when you feel lonely or anytime you need a listening ear. God is always there. He hears us and he answers our prayers.

When you strengthen your prayer life you make your relationship with God a priority and the more you pray the more comfortable you will be engaging in dialogue with God . When this happens you will see and feel a difference in your life and relationship with Christ.

How do you implement prayer into your daily life? Share in the comments below or connect with me on social media @JASMINECTATE.

Hugs & Handshakes,

Jasmine C. Tate