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Save the SUMMER

High temperatures, sandals and open snowball stands are all signs of summer time. Although it’s easy to spend the entire season catching up on sun, sleep and Scandal, let’s choose to be productive, too. As I seek and apply for job opportunities and prepare for the summer special of Hit The Floor, I’m making a conscious effort to “Save the Summer.”

For me, this starts with a schedule because “time flies when you’re having fun,” right?

Creating a schedule will ensure success in achieving goals this summer. Start with the date of the first day of classes or an important event such as the PRSSA National Conference/ PRSA International Conference.

Next, update professional documents. I’m sure your Linked In Profile could use a boost. Change your headline, adjust dates or enhance your summary. Review your portfolio, add projects from the end of the year or remove outdated work samples.

Master a new skill. With the growth of the public relations industry and expectations of multi-talented candidates, you can never know too much. Design a PRSSA invitation to outside disciplines, explore videography or view a free PRSA webinar.

Maximize opportunities to gain experience or get involved. View the event calendars of local professional organizations such as the Public Relations Student Society of America, Public Relations Association of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc. Volunteer for upcoming events such as back-to-school drives or summer socials.

Employ old and new skills you’ve gained. Plan a social for PRSSA members who are still in town or high school classmates you haven’t seen since graduation. Write for Progressions or Forum or start a personal blog.

Finally, Don’t let the summer pass you by without realizing that public relations practitioners, and aspiring professionals, are life-long learners. Read a book or blog; research professionals you may meet at the national conference, and don’t forget to rest.

Save the summer, but enjoy it, too.

What are your summer plans? Are there any activities, events books or blogs you would recommend to avoid wasting time and talent this summer? Share below.


Jasmine C. Tate